Monday, February 23, 2009

Story: Plot-Driven Story

This article is a plot-driven story. Below will be a brief introduction to the article. A man named Jay Chia Shao Kiat, who is a singaporean, escaped from custody under the charge of Dangerous Drugs Act, which he faces death sentence. How did he escaped? He escape when the vehicle stopped, and he shoved one of the policeman out of the vehicle and ran away with his hands still handcuffed. The other policeman could not give chase because he had to look after the other two detainees which were also onboard the vehicle. This man escaped due to his luck that day. The reason why i think that the detainee could escape is because that the policemen were not alert enough, thats why when Chia shoved that policeman out, it was quite an easy task. This matter is still in the midst of investigation, so I dare not make any not proven conclusions. I think that there should at least be 4 policemen escorting detainees which had been charged with heavy crimes.

End of blog post.

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