Monday, February 23, 2009

Story: Plot-Driven Story

This article is a plot-driven story. Below will be a brief introduction to the article. A man named Jay Chia Shao Kiat, who is a singaporean, escaped from custody under the charge of Dangerous Drugs Act, which he faces death sentence. How did he escaped? He escape when the vehicle stopped, and he shoved one of the policeman out of the vehicle and ran away with his hands still handcuffed. The other policeman could not give chase because he had to look after the other two detainees which were also onboard the vehicle. This man escaped due to his luck that day. The reason why i think that the detainee could escape is because that the policemen were not alert enough, thats why when Chia shoved that policeman out, it was quite an easy task. This matter is still in the midst of investigation, so I dare not make any not proven conclusions. I think that there should at least be 4 policemen escorting detainees which had been charged with heavy crimes.

End of blog post.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Current Affairs-News In Class: WORLD'S FASTEST MAN.

I am Dr Tan, the world's fastest man. Do you youths know how I succeeded to become the world's fastest man?
Here is why:
I went for jogging in the park everyday since primary school for 30minutes. When i was in secondary school, i procceeded to run 2.4km every time I am free. If I was still free at that time,
I will go for exercises to build up my stamina. These mentioned are major reasons why i was able to become the world's fastest man. Teenages of your age should especially exercise because this will allow you to be fit and strong, and also be more resistance against diseases. Exercise can also distress you when you are stressed out by school work, homework given by your parents, enrichment classes and so on. Exercise can also help to keep you alert during lessons and you will always be on the alert for anything that may not catch someone else' sight. So keep on to exercise because it can keep you fit and healthy. Remember to eat lots of healthy food too!

Dr Tan

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines' Day

Wish every blogger in the world Happy Valentines' Day!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My brother coming back Singapore from Pulau Tekong

My brother coming out of the camp tomorrow! YEAH, two weeks never see him, but now its different. I am going to see him without his hair!!! Not to laugh at him, but it will look quite weird. Anyway I am glad that he will come back soon.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Todays post is on the world's largest dam, also known as the Three Gorges Dam. Is it healthy for the environment or does it cause further harm? Below are three point of views.

Firstly, dams are built to use the kinetic energy of the water to turn it into electrical energy.
This is healthy for the environment and it reduces the energy used, but on the other side, the building of the dam will create polution, which brings us to the next point of view.

The second point of view, which shows that the building of the dam causes heavy popluation in the river and it harms the marine life living in the river which once was clean and suitable for them to live in. Now that the dam has been built, the river has been heavily poluted and many marine life would have died. This means that the dam caused impact on the environment.

The last point of view, which explains about the destruction of the environment around the river. As the dam is built, the water level will rise and it will flood the area around the river and kills many plants by the river. This point of view also concludes that the dam is harmful towards the environment.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today is fun!!! (Davis's birthday)

Woohoo! Today is so fun!!! Well I was overly-excited today morning as my friends and I ( including Alivin from our class ), went ice-skating! Haha, this was the first time I ever ice-skated before and its was of alot of fun! Of course, I fell about 5 times before I grew accustomed to the slipperiness of the ice. I had a very bad fall: I fell, and I gotten up. in the midway i fell again... I stood up and steady myself and I fell again!!! Today is so unlucky, 3 consecutive falls within 10seconds. Well anyway, I bought the bear of Mr Bean's and gave it as a birthday present to Davis! To sum up, I enjoyed myself pretty well today, if not for the blisters I acquired after the the ice-skating...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Current affairs: Fishy business

As a menber of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, I would like to raise the awareness of the cruelty of whaling in Japan. Why am I posting this issue at a public forum? The reason is simple: Whaling is on the rise in Japan as whales have long been a source of food, oil, and crafts' material and more were killed for them each day.
Japan began scientific research hunts to provide a basis for the resumption of sustainable whaling. The number of whales caught under the project is considerably lower than the number caught under the commercial catch. The IWC Scientific Committee collects up to date data on catch limits and catches taken since 1985. Numbers have ranged from less than 200 in 1985 to close to 1,000 in 2007.The research is conducted by the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR), a privately-owned, non-profit institution. The institute receives its funding from government subsidies and Kyodo Senpaku, which handles processing and marketing of byproducts such as whale meat. Japan carries out its research in two areas: the North-West Pacific Ocean (JARPN II) and the Antarctic Ocean (JARPA) Southern Hemisphere catch. The 2007/08 JARPA mission had a quota of 900 minke whales and 50 fin whales.
Major discoveries claimed by JARPA 1 include: finding the population structure of mink whales in the Antarctic is healthy; detecting change in the ecosystem of the Antarctic Ocean; finding "very low level" of contaminants in minke whales.
As consumption of fish in Japan has shrunk, Japanese fisheries companies have expanded abroad and started facing pressure from partners and environmental groups. Five large fishing companies transferred their whaling fleet shares to public interest corporations in 2006. In 2007, Kokuyo and Maruha, two of Japan's four largest fishing companies, decided to end their sales of whale meat due to pressure from partners and environmental groups in the US.
Anti-whaling governments and groups have strongly opposed Japan's research program. Greenpeace argues that whales are endangered and must be protected. The Japanese government maintains that certain populations are strong enough to sustain a managed hunt. The latest IWC estimate for put the Southern Hemisphere Minke whale population at 761,000 (510,000 - 1,140,000 in the 95% confidence estimate).
In my own opinion, I do think that whaling is cruel and I think that adequate amount of whaling is still suitable for the consumption of whale meat. If overwhaling occurs, it should be stopped immediately and the fishing companies should whale less so that the whale population can be restored. If nothing is done to stop overwhaling, many species of whales may extinct and vanish, only leaving behind the bones.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I do not believe it, how did I become chairman? Well, I do not quite like the position. Although I do not like it, I know that I cannot quit but I must put in effort in managing the class. I was not prepared at all to be the chairman, but I just wished to be a treasurer. As for now, I am new to the position and I may not do things correctly so classmates, please correct me if I am wrong, thank you!